What is a GIG Anyway?

I probably say the word “gig” more often each day than any other – with the exception of the word “awesome” and possibly an iconic profanity I won’t memorialize here. But what IS a gig anyway? Why do we even call it that? A “gig” started life as a kind of carriage – here’s a wonderful picture of that two-seat bucket with big wheels. It would be hard to fit a band in [...]

A few years ago, this happened

“What gets you out of bed in the morning?”  I asked my friend who had a corporate job. She answered:  “Uhm… I don’t know.  Probably planning my vacation.” I mulled on her reply then and I mull on it still.  It brings up a couple of thoughts for me:  1) every day, I want to get out of bed excited about my work and 2) I never take vacations. Being a career musician is [...]

2024-07-10T16:49:10-04:00February 8th, 2019|Connection, Freelancer, Journey, Musician, The Music Business, Vacation Plans|
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