Fun Fact February: Domestic Gigs Edition

Fun Fact No. 1- Dance Floor Inspiration 1)         We played this beautiful room called THE CLUB in Birmingham, AL.  Film director John Badham ‘s family is from Birmingham, AL.  THE CLUB has a big poster of Badham’s classic film, “Saturday Night Fever” on their wall.  The story goes John B. was visiting THE CLUB and was inspired by the incredible dance floor for his own film. Fun Fact No. 2- A [...]

2024-02-02T11:10:54-05:00February 1st, 2024|Concerts, Musician, Trivia|

The Life of an Independent Musician

Can I get a show of hands? Love it? Hate it?  Who can’t imagine doing anything else, even though it would be so great to just lie on the couch sometimes and channel -surf. Last night, I fell asleep thinking about set lists and stage plots. And the input list that I am sure missed somebody. And then the suitcase I needed to dig out because I kept forgetting I was leaving for Louisville [...]

2024-04-29T13:40:02-04:00July 10th, 2018|Musician, Original Music, Songwriter|
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